Host in Netlify


You can host your static website wth zero cost in Netlify.

Add the below netlify.toml in the root folder.

publish = "public"
command = "hugo --gc --minify"

HUGO_VERSION = "0.82.0"
HUGO_ENV = "production"

command = "hugo --gc --minify --enableGitInfo"

HUGO_VERSION = "0.82.0"
HUGO_ENV = "production"

command = "hugo --gc --minify --buildFuture -b $DEPLOY_PRIME_URL"

HUGO_VERSION = "0.82.0"

command = "hugo -b $DEPLOY_PRIME_URL"

HUGO_VERSION = "0.82.0"


And you can upload the public folder directly to Netlify or integrate your GitHub accout with Netlify to host your website.

Written By

Marco Martorana

Software Engineer | Computer Science Teacher